WordPress 5.3.2 Released

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WordPress 5.3.2 Release – 18th December 2019

The latest version of WordPress is here, hot on the heels of 5.3.1. WordPress 5.3.2 is a bug fix release which addresses the following issues:

  • #48597 – Date/Time: Ensure that get_feed_build_date() correctly handles a modified post object with an invalid date.
  • #48975 – Uploads: Fix file name collision in wp_unique_filename() when uploading a file with upper case extension on non-case-sensitive file systems.
  • #48960 – Media: Fix PHP warnings in wp_unique_filename() when the destination directory is unreadable.
  • #49003 – Administration: Fix the colors in all color schemes for buttons with the .active class.
  • #48145 – Tests/build tools: In wp_insert_post(), when checking the post date to set future or publish status, use a proper delta comparison.

Your site will automatically be updated to 5.3.2 unless you have disabled them in the portal. If you have any questions about this update please don’t hesitate to contact us.

At this stage, there’s only one issue that didn’t make the 5.3.2 milestone – https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/48979 – This has been tagged for 5.3.3. That’s likely to change ahead of the next significant release being WordPress 5.4

The full schedule of the WordPress releases can be found here https://wordpress.org/download/releases/

To learn more about WordPress and how the release cycle works head over to https://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/about/release-cycle/

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